Monday, September 14, 2015

The Addiction to Social Media

Researchers from the University of Glasgow found the pressure to be on social media is a cause of anxiety, depression and a decrease of sleep quality in adolescents. Dr. Heather Cleland Woods and Holly Scott provided questionnaires to 467 teenagers regarding their use of social media. After given the questionnaire, teenagers were tested further to analyze sleep quality, self-esteem, anxiety, depression and emotional investment in social media.

Dr. Cleland Woods explains how “Adolescence can be a period of increased vulnerability for the onset of depression and anxiety, and poor sleep quality may contribute to this. It is important that we understand how social media use relates to these. Evidence is increasingly supporting a link between social media use and wellbeing, particularly during adolescence, but the causes of this are unclear”.

Today’s generation is addicted to social media. I agree with researchers, there is a constant pressure to be on social media, especially as an adolescent. It doesn’t surprise me teenagers are developing mental health issues like depression and anxiety.  

I will admit I am suffering from anxiety and decreased quality of sleep due to social media and technology. I have my phone on me at all times, no matter what I’m doing. I’m continuously opening up apps, scrolling through social media feeds and answering text messages. My battery life dies quickly so when my phone reaches 20%, I instantly start to panic. What am I going to do if my phone dies? What if something happens? What if someone tries to call me? As my battery life decreases, my anxiety increases but of course, a dying battery doesn’t stop me from refreshing my social media sites five times and sending hundreds of texts. 

Having such an attachment to social media and cellphones is both a blessing and a curse. Being able to utilize social media in your professional career is something that needs to be learned because technology and social media are an essential part of today’s society. But, it can also cause problems such as anxiety and depression if used incorrectly. It is important as the millennial generation to use social media correctly in order to prevent ourselves from future health issues.


  1. Allie,

    I will admit as well that I can suffer from anxiety and sleep loss. I can attest to this study after I read it because the whole time I was reading it, I kept asking myself if these symptoms could apply to me, and they did. I was really wondering what to think about my constant need for checking social media and I think it has to do with being anxious, not wanting to miss anything that could pop up on my timeline, because if I miss it, then I am behind and nobody wants to be behind in todays society. This article made some really valid points too. In our career fields, social media is encouraged and more than often, demanded. But if this whole social media thing is causing us to develop health issues and especially mental health, where do we draw the line? It could be overthinking the matter, but just my thoughts on the matter. Great post Allie, thanks for sharing this.

  2. Allie, I have thought about this several times. Over the years I have found a serious decrease in the lack of sleep and productivity I have due to social media and phone usage. I love it but I hate it. Around my freshman year of college, I made the decision to take a step back from social media completely and I was able to use less than others, but still found myself wondering what was going on in the media world. I still use different platforms because it is almost unavoidable in today's world. While I feel better when I am too busy having fun or working on something more productive than sitting on social media, I admit I enjoy it! Hopefully, the usage that causes anxiety and lack of sleep eventually declines. Great post!
