It is that time of the
semester when you’re just fed up with school and responsibilities. I don’t know
if it is the weather or the ridiculous amount of school work I have to complete
but I’m more than ready for a long break at home with family and friends. Don’t
get me wrong, fall at Ohio Northern is one of my favorite seasons. The campus
is breathtaking and the weather is perfect! It’s a great time to be a polar
bear but seriously, is it Thanksgiving break yet?
I can’t wait to spend a
whole week at home with my family and friends. It seems so close yet so far
away at the same time. Just being able to relax and not worry about school
sounds perfect right now. Not to mention, I am super pumped about Thanksgiving
dinner. It will definitely be the highlight of my break. I literally catch
myself day dreaming about mashed potatoes in class… Should I be concerned? Probably, but it's whatever.
With break quickly approaching, it
makes me appreciate all the things I am fortunate enough to have. As stressed out as I am with school work, I wouldn’t be
able to attend Ohio Northern and reach my goals without the support of my
family. I love being a student at Ohio Northern but I also feel like I miss out
on a lot at home. It makes me sad to see how quickly my sisters are growing up.
Every time I go home they always look so much older and they are developing
their own personalities and interests.
I’m hoping these
next 20 days (not like I’m counting) fly by so I can spend some
much needed, quality time with my momma and sisters.