Wednesday, September 16, 2015

An ESFJ Personality

An infographic created by Truity Psychometrics attempts to assess your personality and match characteristics of your personality with potential career opportunities. I decided to take this personality test for fun and my results surprised me. I found this study interesting, I hope you do, too! The four dimensions of personality analyzed are: energy style, thinking style, values style and life style. After answering questions about each dimension, the infographic explains 16 four-letter personality types.

The first dimension the infographic assesses is the energy style. The energy style asks if you are an introvert or extravert. According to Truity, an introvert is a person who likes working independently or in small groups, in calm, quiet spaces while an extrovert likes working with other people, on teams and in busy spaces. In my opinion, I believe I am an extravert. I love working and communicating with others to achieve a common goal.

The thinking style is divided into two categories: sensors and intuitives. Truity defines a sensor thinking style as a person who enjoys working with concrete things like people, data and machines. An intuitive thinking style enjoys working with abstract things like theories, ideas and possibilities. In this case, I am more of a sensor because I like to work with things that are tangible. I like being able to see my work and follow up on the results.

In the values style, you can choose from thinking or feeling. Do you enjoy work that involves thinking and intelligence or do you prefer work that reflects your values? Personally, I am a feeler. I would rather be involved in something that could potentially have an impact on someone else's life. When I make decisions, I think about what I’m doing and how it will effect others. I take into consideration other peoples feelings and opinions before making a decision.

Judgers like organization and a structured, orderly workplace. The opposite of a judger is a perceiver, or a person who likes flexibility and freedom and doesn’t mind a little chaos. I was torn in the life style dimension of my personality. I am an organized person who likes to have a flexible plan but I do some of my best work while stressed and under pressure. Although, I posses some characteristic of a perceiver I think I am more of a judger because I like to be organized, in control and have a structured plan of attack.

Combining my results from each personality dimension, I am an ESFJ. An ESFJ personality placed me into the category of a caretaker. Caretakers love their work when they can do practical things to help other people. Truity provides examples of possible career choices related to your personality. For an ESFJ caretaker, possible careers for me are an Elementary Teacher, Child Care Director, Nutritionist, Cosmetologist or a Registered Nurse.

I find my results ironic because before switching my major to public relations and communication studies, I was a nursing major. Two of my other career possibilities involve working with children which I find surprising because I generally don’t have patience to deal with children. I’m not looking forward to having kids of my own one day. They are such a pain! Although I do disagree with some of my potential career choices, I do agree with Truity when they say I enjoy working if it can help someone else. Therefore, I think I would enjoy working in the non-profit public relations industry.

Check out the infographic and take the quiz for yourself. It is simple and easy to follow. Plus, it only takes a few minutes. Comment and let me know what you get and if you agree or disagree with your results.

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