Wednesday, October 14, 2015

PRSSA Podcast

I’m trying something new here, so stick with me. For this assignment, we were instructed to create a podcast about a topic of our choice. I chose the benefits of joining a pre professional organization like the Public Relations Student Society of America. The ONU PRSSA Chapter provides professional development, guidance and personal opportunities to excel in the public relations field through networking events, national conference opportunities, a strong alumni base and weekly meetings featuring speakers and workshops.

National conference is a networking event for students and professionals to expand their public relations knowledge. This year, national conference, Rethink, Rebuild, Renew, will be held in Atlanta, Georgia from November 6-10. Tiffany and I had the opportunity to sit down with Hannah Peterson to ask her about her experience at last year’s national conference. Hannah is a senior public relations major, communication studies and social media minor at Ohio Northern University. Hannah is currently serving her second term as Chapter president of ONU PRSSA.

Did you find any benefits from attending national conference?
Well, Alexa Lammers actually talked with someone at national conference about an internship and that is how she got her internship at Warner Brothers. I think that it is also just a great way for our chapter to bring some really great, new ideas to help us continue to grow and improve. I think national conference is a really great time to get away from school and have some fun with your PR friends or whoever else decides to go. It’s really just a great time to improve your PR skills in general.  

PRSSA strives to enhance your career, broaden your network and launch your career. PRSSA gives students the opportunity to gain leadership experience through an executive board composed of eight leaders: president, vice president, secretary, firm director, firm assistant, fundraising chair, social media and PRestige editor. Hannah expanded on her duties as president and what being president of ONU PRSSA has done for her, professionally and personally.

From your leadership experience in PRSSA what benefits have you seen in yourself?
I’m definitely not as shy as I used to be. I didn’t really picture myself in a leadership role like this but I feel like I’ve really grown as a person and became stronger. I’ve definitely been more focused on my work, so I think just being in this leadership positon has really helped me see what PRSSA is all about and really help me learn more about myself and my leadership abilities.

Would you recommend individuals in PRSSA to get involved in leadership roles?
Yes, I definitely think if someone is interested in being in a leadership role that they try as long as they’re willing to put in the work because it is sometimes difficult. If people aren’t willing to put in the work but they try to get themselves in that leadership role it just kind of makes it difficult on the rest of the group.

What is the biggest reward you have gotten out of being president of ONU PRSSA?
I really love seeing our chapter grow and develop. Applying for Star Chapter award is so fulfilling to me when we go to national conference and receive star chapter. Star chapter shows that our chapter is working really hard to accomplish everything we put ourselves up to do. I love when people are succeeding as a group, as our entire chapter but also individually. When people are succeeding in public relations and going to conferences, presenting and stuff like that, it is really rewarding to me because I can see that they are gaining really great experiences through PRSSA that are helping them in other areas as well.

If you want to hear the full podcast, check it out here. To learn more about Ohio Northern’s Public Relations Student Society of America, join us at our weekly meetings. ONU PRSSA meets every Thursday at 7 p.m. in PAC 132. We would love to see you there! 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Think Pink, Think Zeta

October is recognized as Pink Month for breast cancer awareness. The fraternity of Zeta Tau Alpha proudly recognizes breast cancer education and awareness as their national philanthropy. ZTA partners with the American Cancer Society®, National Football League, Bright Pink and Self Magazine. One in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. ZTA remains committed to the fight against breast cancer because breast cancer continues to affect friends, family members and ZTA sisters across the world.

At Ohio Northern University, the sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha host various events on campus to raise awareness for breast cancer education and awareness.  During the month of October, ZTA is hosting their annual Pink Pasta Dinner, Pink Football Game and a “Striking Out Cancer” dodge ball tournament.  Here is a list of ZTA’s events for pink month:

Wednesday, October 7: Pink Pasta Dinner at the Inn
            Enjoy all you can eat salad, breadsticks, pasta and dessert for only $12!
Saturday, October 17: Pink Football game vs. Capital University
Come support the Ohio Northern Polar Bears against the Capital Crusaders. Don’t forget to wear your pink in support of breast cancer awareness.
Monday, October 26: “Striking Out Cancer” Dodge Ball Tournament
Join the sisters of ZTA in King Horn and get a team together for a friendly game of doge ball. Teams can be women, men or coed for only $8 per game.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any ZTA sister.

Not only are the sisters of ZTA at Ohio Northern hosting events for breast cancer education and awareness, ZTA collegiate and alumnae chapters hold over 500 events to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer.

All over the country, the sisters of ZTA join with the NFL to pass out pink ribbons at NFL stadiums across the country. Pretty cool, right? Sisters of ZTA also have the opportunity to participate in various Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walks. ZTA volunteers at nearly 300 walks nationwide.

To learn more about Zeta Tau Alpha’s involvement in breast cancer, visit or Ohio Northern’s Zeta Tau Alpha page at

Monday, October 12, 2015

Google’s Real-Time Strategy

Google is one of the most well-known brands in today’s world. We have the capability to use Google for almost any task. Google’s brand reaches far beyond their core search engine. Google is also responsible for programs such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google+ and Google Chrome. Google announced during Advertising Week two new programs: Customer Match and Universal App Campaigns. Google wants to “be there and be relevant in those intent-rich moments that truly matter.” (AdWords).

Through Customer Match, Google allows you to upload a list of email addresses and build specific ads and campaigns designed to reach your audience in the most relevant and efficient way. Existing customers are one of the most important aspects to a company. By using Customer Match, companies can maintain and build previously existing relationships. Companies can also use Customer Match to generate similar audiences to reach new customers who could be interested in your product or service (AdWords). Customer Match allows you to connect customers to your brand in the most relevant ways at the right time, making it a great real-time program for companies.

Companies are able to promote their app on the largest network and platform thanks to Universal App Campaigns. Universal App Campaigns is a product designed to make it easier for you to connect with app users across Google Search, Google Play, YouTube and the Google Display Network (AdWords). When using Universal App Campaigns, Google allows your app to be seen when users are searching for something new to download, making it a “one-stop-shop” (AdWords).

With the implementation of Customer Match and Universal App Campaigns, Google increases their use of real-time engagement.  Real-time engagement is a necessity in today’s society making Google a force to be reckoned with. Companies can utilize Google’s services to build and maintain relationships with customers. As a public relations professional, building relationships is the main goal. Being aware of such tools can give your company an edge when building relationships. To learn more about Google’s Customer Match and Universal App Campaigns visit Google’s blog. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Media Relations Today

Traditional media is still vital in public relations but the field of media relations is constantly changing to keep up with today’s society. Although, media relations are always changing, chapter 15 of “Share This” says while using Twitter, media relations specialists should always stay relevant, use authority, engage with their audience and build relationships with various outlets. As public relations professionals, we need to do more than just listen and engage in conversation. Public relations professionals need to advise, guide and train different parts of organizations in order to communicate effectively in the digital world.

In order to create relationships with the media, identifying key influencers is important. Author, Adam Parker, advises you to get involved, look up current contacts, search and create curated lists to identify key influencers. By being active on social media and becoming part of the conversation, you will find relevant journalists, bloggers and editors who are similar to you and your organization. By looking up current contacts, you are able to research individuals more specifically to see what social media channels they are using. Searching for individuals on Twitter who are similar to you is another way to stay relevant in the media relations field. Creating curated lists will also help you identify sources who will help reach your goal in media relations.

Another component of media relations is being able to listen to what others are saying about you or your organization online. There is a multitude of online monitoring systems like TweetDeck and Hootsuite to utilize in the digital world. By using these tools, you can also listen to what people are saying about your key influencers to ensure they are relevant. Parker points out as a public relations professional, it is important to stay aware of the social scene outside of any organization by dealing with issues internally and externally.

Before you engage with key influencers on social media, make sure to research! Remember, contact outside of social media is still likely to be the primary way to pitch to the media. Invest time in getting to know the people who are important to you. By building relationships with media outlets, journalists, bloggers and editors, you become more credible and a reliable source of information.  Take every chance you can to engage with your key influencers when it is appropriate. Remember to be careful. You don’t want to annoy or irritate them before you build and maintain a relationship.

As a public relations professional, it is important to utilize both traditional and new forms of media to build mutually beneficial relationships. By identifying, listening and engaging in social media, public relations professionals will be able to continue using social media as an invaluable tool in today’s world.