Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Snapchat Updates their Privacy Policy

Have you recently updated Snapchat? When you updated Snapchat to get all the cool new features like slow motion, fast forward and rewind filters, Snapchat asked if you agreed to their new terms and agreements. Did you read them? You should have. Before you send another Snapchat, check out Snapchat’s updated privacy policy.

Snapchat now has the right to “reproduce, modify and republish your photos and save those photos to Snapchat’s servers, specifically in relation to the ‘Live Story’ feature.”

Some Snapchat users are not happy about the fact their snaps may no longer be as private as they were before. People call this update “scary” and makes them want to delete their account. Is Snapchat invading user’s privacy? Personally, I don’t think anything actually disappears after you hit ‘send’. Users of Snapchat should have been aware of this aspect before even downloading the app.

With multiple rumors flying around about their new privacy policy, Snapchat set the record straight. Snapchat’s newest terms of service give the company a “broad license” to use certain public content, like snap stories and live stories so the company can show the stories around the world. If you send your snap to your story or to one of the live stories, it has the chance of being reused and modified to fit Snapchat’s needs. 

Snapchat said the main reason they updated their privacy policy was to ensure users understood their policy. Their main goal is to be upfront and clear with app users. Snapchat is walking on a very fine line and if they want to continue to be one of the top social media apps, they need to focus on their customers needs and ensure satisfaction. I’m happy to see Snapchat taking the initiative to set things straight to end rumors from circulating.

1 comment:

  1. Allie,
    I'm glad you shared this. Just because they say it is a policy update, doesn't mean they necessarily changed anything. Snapchat has always been able to see the pictures you send to people. With the technologies we have today, things aren't as private as we may want them. Cyberspace is a real thing, and I think educating people like you are here is such a good thing.
