Thursday, November 12, 2015

Becoming a Leader

Coming to Ohio Northern as a freshman, I had no idea what I was doing or what I wanted to accomplish (still don’t have it figured out, btw).  I never saw myself joining any organizations on campus, let alone taking on leadership positions. If you would have told me two years ago I would become the historian of Zeta Tau Alpha and the secretary of the Public Relations Student Society of America, I would have laughed in your face. I never thought of myself as a leader. I was always involved in organizations and clubs in high school, but I always assumed there was someone better for the job. Now, I see myself as a leader and influencer in the organizations I am involved in.

Zeta Tau Alpha’s executive board is made up of 11 members. Historian is pretty much a fancy word for the PR person. I’m in charge of maintaining the website, creating content for promotional material and social media, taking pictures at all major Zeta events, making an annual scrapbook, submitting articles to the Northern Review and our national magazine, Themis, as well as creating special content like member of the month, new member spotlight and senior spotlight.
Secretary of PRSSA is much different than Historian. My main duties as secretary are to take attendance at weekly meetings, send emails as needed, update the bulletin board in PAC and design T-shirts. I’m looking forward to taking on a more influential role through PRSSA in the upcoming year.

Being able to have the opportunity to join multiple organizations and hold leadership positions at Ohio Northern has developed my professional and personal skills. I have more confidence in myself and my abilities in public relations. Not to mention, students with leadership positions are greatly sought after by employers. Without the support of faculty, advisors and peers, I would have never applied for any leadership positions. I encourage all students to join at least one organization on campus. You never know what hidden talents or skills you have until you try. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to become a better leader today.


  1. Wow Allie, this blog is very inspiring. I'm proud of all that you have come to accomplish and can't wait to see what the future has in store for you.

  2. Allie,

    I think it is great that you have joined many organizations throughout campus and are taking leadership positions. Organizations are a great way to get involved and provide an opportunity to grow as an individual. In addition, they are typically good breaks from doing homework and studying. Like you said, employers are looking for well-rounded individuals. Grades are not the only aspect that goes into a resume, and many employers rate leadership experiences over GPA. Overall, I agree that everyone should get involved in something in order to continue to develop necessary skills for the future. Keep up the great work in your organizations!

  3. Allie -

    I couldn't agree with you more. I never saw myself as taking on leadership roles and delegating tasks to individuals, but here I am. I never thought that I would've been selected to become the PR Vice President for the 2016 year for Alpha Xi Delta, but last night I accepted the position. I do agree that employers do look at what you were involved in because even one leadership role will help in the long run. Wishing you the best in both your leadership roles.

  4. Allie,

    This is so cool to read because I am going through the same thing right now. I entered Delts and never really thought I would be an exec or a leadership position kind of guy because of baseball, but since I have learned to manage my time and effort into many different things, I have been nominated to run for President of our fraternity. Reading your post, I can tell you're taking this position with the intent to make it better than it was before and I love that attitude because I am looking for inspiration to make my interest in running a little higher. Congrats on the appointed positions and I am sure you will do great, Allie.

  5. Allie,

    You have made your presence known at PRSSA. I am very grateful for your weekly reminders to me regarding speakers. You are always on top of things. I have no doubt that when the time comes for you to begin your job search you will be just fine. You have great leadership and time management skills, that not a lot of college juniors have. Keep up the great work, and thank you for reminding me of what I need to do on a weekly basis!
