Monday, October 26, 2015

Be KIND to your body, today!

Have you seen the members of KIND Bears on campus? The students of Ohio Northern University’s PRSSA chapter are promoting KIND snacks. KIND snacks are gluten free and non GMO granola and granola bars. By bringing KIND snacks to ONU’s campus, KIND snacks hopes to encourage college students to live a healthier lifestyle by being kind to your body.

The members of the KIND Bears are continuing to stretch and lead warm up exercises with several Polar Bear sports teams across campus. The KIND Bears have spoken to the cross country, volleyball, football team and various dance classes about the importance of a kind lifestyle. They are also passing out free KIND snacks at King Horn, the Chapel and on the tundra. Who doesn’t like free snacks?! Get yours today! (It’s better than eating at Mac, right?)

If you haven’t seen the KIND Bears on campus, get engaged with the KIND movement on social media. The KIND Bears are currently holding a contest on Twitter. All you have to do is pick up your smartphone and take a selfie with your favorite KIND snacks product. To enter, tweet your selfie with the hashtag #KINDBears and tag @KINDsnacks. By participating in the KIND selfie competition, you could win a gift card to the ONU bookstore! With the semester coming to an end, take advantage of the opportunity to win a gift card to the ONU bookstore.

If you’re interested in the KIND snacks campaign and want to learn more, visit the KIND snacks webpage. If you want to learn more about the KIND Bears campaign, contact Lani Coleman for more information. Let’s get kind together, p-bears!


  1. Allie,

    I personally have no idea how to get my hands on one of these KIND bars so maybe you can hook your buddy Casey up with one? Anyways, I like how the KIND bars team created a tactic that could be easily acted upon by our age group. Taking a selfie with a bar is something that could take 2 seconds and it helps get the word out much faster if it will be free for college students. Thanks for posting so I can comment! ;)

  2. I had no idea they were doing a contest. That's really good to know as we're all gonna be needing to get textbooks again soon. I really need to try some of these products as I don't think I've ever tried them. Thanks for the heads up!
